Therfield Village Pre-School

I currently manage Therfield Village Pre-School’s website which is made with WordPress.

I took over control of the website so unfortunately didn’t get to start it from scratch but it was the first website that I worked on that used WordPress.

To start off I made a style guide and adjusted the logo to create continuity across their advertising channels. I then made sure that all the text on the site was up to date and accurate.

My Mumm was deputy manager for the Pre-School at the time and we implemented a blog together.

I added the Pre-School to Google Maps and Google My Business, as well as improving their SEO. This resulted in a significant increase of visitors on the website and calls enquiring about places.

I also helped set up a Facebook page and Twitter account for the Pre-School.

Whilst my Mum was deputy manager at the Pre-School I made a lot of flyers and posters for their activities. For example I created a treasure hunt flyer for children to find signs around Royston Town Centre.