South Angle Farm, Soham

We were struggling to decide what to do for the day until Mum had a Google and found South Angle Farm in Soham. It was cheap at £5 a person and we didn’t expect much.

We had to go down lots of little dirt tracks to get there. We could see a couple of greenhouses and a few cars in their car park. Again, we didn’t get our hopes up.

We went to the entrance and received a warm welcome before paying for everyone and got a couple of pots of food for the animals. There was lamb feeding at 2 so we thought we’d hang around for that.

Me, Josh, and Chelsea were all equipped with our cameras which made the cashier laugh.

The Animals


Lamb Feeding

After the lamb feeding we got to hold one and take photos. We’re all going to have matching profile pictures now.

Animal Petting


More Animals