We Are Artemis

I saw yet another post on Facebook, this time a girl band were asking for a web developer to create them a site on Wix. I’d used Wix a bit before and hated it: see here. Seeing how quickly the world of web design and development can change I thought I’d give it another shot.

I wanted to try out using Adobe XD too, so made an initial prototype in there. XD has a neat feature where you can publish the site for the client to give you feedback on.

I liked the idea of a full-screen video landing page as I’d seen this done with bands and artists before. I wanted to stick with a pink theme and cut out each band member’s head in Adobe Illustrator and turned them into an awesome SVG for the second page of the website. This way users would know instantly who the band members were and what the band was about.

After some backwards and forwards on the design, I was ready to start making the site on Wix. We connected the domain from Go Daddy and I started creating.

For the events on the site we used Bands In Town which was actually quite difficult to set up as it separates out bands and individuals in a weird way. However, we got it to work eventually.

The site was relatively simple as a one-pager so the mobile optimisation wasn’t too hard and Wix’s built in engine.

I’m really pleased with the overall theme of the website and it gave me a chance to try out Wix again of my own accord; something else to add to my belt.